The only answer is the same it’s always been: Gurmag and/or tasigur. Learn more. I would not play a colorless mana in Abzan considering you have extremely difficult mana requirements as is and many of those are 3 mana cards that you absolutely want to play on 3. I’m sorry but Grim Flayer isn’t that good. Now, of course, the deck can’t run only Siege Rhinos . So last week, when it occurred to me that I, hadn’t looked at a Pioneer list running, Siege Rhinos . Noxious Grasp catches permanents like Teferi or Lovestruck Beast and Kambal punishes spell-based decks. If you’re trying to force an Avacyn flip, you can try to put multiple +1/+1 counters on an accompanying creature, since they’ll want to remove that creature to stop all the damage, and they can’t do that without triggering Avacyn’s temper unless they get rid of Avacyn first. If you can spend at least $500 or $1,000, the number of viable choices increases. I'd suggest shifting ceratops. Placing a +1+1 counter on it instantly turns it into a 3 mana producing elf. I had watched Abzan Midrange perform at the Pro Tour and various other SCG and TCG events but knew my deck wasn’t at that level just yet. That’s about all it has going for it. Lovestruck Beast gives us a turn one play when we don’t have a mana dork, and gives us a cheap 5/5 beater either way, since both Elvish Mystic and Llanowar Elves allow him to attack. I'm doing Abzan as well, and I'm not sure about Liliana Dreadhorde VS Elspeth Sun's Champion. Cycling Gift Cycling Gift. I feel like this deck really wants [[Sylvan Caryatid]] and less 4 drops. If you want the most budget-friendly solution and you don’t have too demanding speakers, Yamaha and Sony are the best options. Pioneer – White Weenie Humans Decklist. Lurrus of the Dream-Den and Yorion, Sky Nomad decks took the whole Top 8 of the Pioneer Super Qualifier on Friday, shoving out all other companions and decks without them like Lotus Breach or classic Dimir Inverter. You might feel that “tracker is basically a 4 drop” but it’s not. Midrange Abzan deck featuring several of my favorite cards of the past few years! This is a good card with a potentially high power level with no home. I’ve been a proponent of Siege Rhino since the inception of pioneer, and finally have a list to share. I feel like Voice + Intruder Alarm is a lot more beneficial in this format than people realize. - Abzan Aggro by Kyle Boggemes: 5th - 8th - Abzan Aggro by Connor Bowman: 5th - 8th - Esper Control by Kenta Hiroki: 5th - 8th - Jeskai Tokens by Alex Zurawski: 5th - 8th - Bant Midrange by Collins Mullen: 9th - 16th - Bant Midrange by Chris Andersen: 9th - 16th - Abzan Aggro by Andrew Boswell: 9th - 16th - Abzan Midrange by Jim Davis: 9th - 16th PNR 0 / 0 . It also has rishkar, peema renegade, various counter adding planeswalkers, and other tricks that let you turn incubation druid into a 3 mana tapping guy on turn 3. Pioneer Abzan Midrange decklists Rank Name Colors Event Players Date Singularity Price(*) Top4 (3-2) Players: 14 Abzan Midrange Yorion, Sky Nomad — By Darkiundsa MTGO Pioneer Preliminary #12159802. Questing Beast is a huge threat, being difficult to block, good at killing planeswalkers, and good at blocking. Worst case Intruder Alarm is a fog for two creatures but in Pioneer that usually translates to drawing an extra card because you live another turn and sometimes two more turns with creatures like Questing Beast around. Lastly, Nissa, Vital Force gives us a little bit of ramp, some extra damage, and a way to recur permanents in especially grindy matchups. All Rights Reserved. Pioneer Metagame View Recent Events. So we have to start with the basics: mana dorks. There's a lot of 1-drop white creatures that are all somewhat interchangeable, but it turns out that many of them have the creature type Human, so we can support Thalia's Lieutenant.. White Weenie Humans Decklist (Pioneer) More interesting is finding ways to somehow slam more colors in for this guy, but not worth thinking about until you have a solid shell that does fine with 3 colors. He's a massive must answer and hoses the increasingly popular dredge less dredge. I think the best way may be to keep mana costs to 4 or less, and start ripping out lots of threats and answers per turn while not running out of gas. ... Abzan Midrange. I think the mana for this deck doesn't work out.courser of kruphix needs 18 sources of green mana, you have 11. This just seems like a lot of four mana spells. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. you can count it as a source for 4 drops, since it adds the land untapped then but not for 3drops. Updated Oct 31, 2020 by skrai using our MTG Deck Builder. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Matchup specific. Angels by Markiael. Abrupt Decay is no stranger to this kind of grindy midrange deck, letting us take out permanents without needing to worry about potential counterspells, and Dromoka's Command gives the deck a ton of versatility it otherwise wouldn’t have packed into a potent two-mana spell. Rampy wants to ramp into the Bridge Troll, Hornet Queen, Ugin (Spirit Dragon) or Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Similarly, questing beast wants 16 sources.Murderous Rider should be castable if we include fabled passage, but I personally think we shouldn't. There are plenty of lands to interact with that running one can be warranted, it doesn't change the amount of activators for fatal push / tracker and is an untapped land. There’s no good two drop. Siege Rhino will always hold a special place in my heart. I think carnage tyrant is a bit heavy on the mana cost. What do you mean "Elspeth is a hell of card" sorry but english is not my mother language. (60 cards, 19 distinct) - Breeding Pool, Nissa, Vastwood Seer, Temple Garden, Nylea, God of the Hunt, Lyra Dawnbringer, Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Tireless Tracker © Copyright FlipSide Gaming 2016. I also think you should include something like [[Sylvan Caryatid]]. Rakdos Midrange: MJ_23: MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 09/06/2020: 5th-8th 9/9/2020 Jeskai Walkers: Asmodean1990: MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 09/06/2020: 5th-8th 9/9/2020 Dimir Control: MrCafouillette: MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 09/06/2020: 5th-8th Its efficient value and range of hard-to-answer threats have made it the premier midrange deck in Pioneer. I'm not including "Rock" as an option because frankly Abzan isn't the best at it in this format. by SaffronOlive Jegantha, the Wellspring; ... Naya Midrange Naya Midrange Naya Midrange: EmErgy: 82 tix $ 309 - View All 14 Decks Pioneer Preliminary #12233088 on 2020-11-26. Sultai Delirium combines the best parts of classic midrange decks like Bloodbraid Elf Jund and Siege Rhino Abzan. A pair of Voice of Resurgence gives us a ton of potential value and anti-counterspell action, and the two copies of Anafenza, the Foremost give us some extra attacking power, along with some graveyard hate. Given the limited selection available in the format, we have 4 Llanowar Elves and 3 Elvish Mystic to ramp us.Â. Maybe it is just using the mana to start drawing more cards somehow and playing more spells per turn. Carytid also does nothing but ramp and block. Once you can figure out a decent early game with these cards and creating some good acceleration, then you need to figure out the best ways to abuse that in an abzan shell. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander White Weenie seems like an obvious place to brew in Pioneer. Abzan Charm is a premier removal spell, imo, that is versatile in midrange matchups, but also helps the control matchup by drawing us more resources. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. 14 if I'm generous with the fabled passages. From Return to Ravnica Forwards. Learn more. It’s an efficient threat that gets past blockers thanks to trample, while also having Lightning Helix stapled to it. No idea why this isn’t being pushed more. MTGO Pioneer Preliminary #12159802. [[Faeburrow Elder]] has a lot of potential in an Abzan shell, can easily get to a 3/3, can attack with vigilance, and then tap after combat for 2 or 3 mana. I like kalitas somewhere in the 75. [[Incubation Druid]] looks like a crap card, and in some ways it is, unless you 'cheat'. Finally, we have the main course: Siege Rhino. 52%. October 29, 2019 Pioneer 0. My … The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community. Here's the budget version of the deck: [deck](23436) *CONCLUSION* This deck has a lot of synergy, we can get the graveyard creatures back into the game to start our strategy all over again, we can even create an army of zombies! How do I get started with Magic Online? Thoughtseize is a huge card. I have been toying with this idea a little bit, and it may help you, so I will share it: The problem with Abzan is that it isn't doing powerful enough things quick enough. Midrange decks are aggressive decks that flip the standard aggro-control deck archetype by attempting to control the early game, then going aggressive with large creatures in the mid to late game. It won’t usually be the best play, but there are scenarios (, If you’re dumping +1/+1 counters on a creature, go for, Avacyn can be flashed in in a pinch for a surprise boost to a. , and does so ahead of the curve thanks to its mana dorks. And then you play it into a tireless tracker? Shuhei Nakamura is a member of the Pro Tour Hall of Fame, former Player of the Year, and is one of just six players with more than … Tracker’s clues also let us use up mana meaningfully when there’s nothing better to spend it on. Siege Rhino will always hold a special place in my heart. Grindy deck wants cards that care about card advantage. (60 cards, 25 distinct) - Liliana, the Last Hope, Thoughtseize, Assassin's Trophy, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Overgrown Tomb, Temple Garden, Anguished Unmaking I would - 1 fabled passage +1 field of ruin. This deck is a lot of fun and I think you will enjoy it. For more info you can check the Banned and Restricted Cards on wizards site. I don't think you need acceleration I just think without Goyf people need to use that playset of C 2 spells to stall because there is no backup in Pioneer as good at attacking as Goyf is in modern. Abzan has access to some good cards that naturally work well with incubation druid, which is why it is worth thinking about: abzan charm, dromoka's command. Bio Archive Twitter. PNR 0 / 0 . Tireless Tracker is here to help us dig through our deck for card advantage while searching for exactly the card we need. Vraska, Golgari Queen draw us cards when we need them, can take out problematic permanents, and has the potential to just end the game thanks to her ultimate. Check out the guide to Magic Online. Archangel Avacyn is protects our board in a pinch, and can wipe the board if our opponent isn’t careful. Mostly looking for suggestions, but I truly feel (some version of) this deck has a legitimate place in the meta game. Show decks from the last ... Budget Decks. Faeburrow Elder - (G) (SF) (txt)Incubation Druid - (G) (SF) (txt)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. Knight of Autumn gives us lots of options, working either as a beater, a source of lifegain, or a Reclamation Sage. $269 $89 2nd The best overall midrange phone: iPhone SE (2020) Buy iPhone SE at Walmart - $400. We have all three shocklands, both fastlands legal in the format, two Mana Confluence, and some forests to make sure we get our mana dorks out turn one where they’re best.Â. Obzedat is here because he dodges removal, buffers life totals, and can get in for big damage occasionally. She is an obvious inclusion in a value-packed deck such as Abzan Midrange. I think it's pretty safe to cut obzedat and elspeth. Synergy build should be about counters or some kind or tokens. So we have to start with the basics: mana dorks. So I feel like we can either go Grindy, Rampy, or focus on Synergies. Eldrazi Blink + Umori For some Reason by AnAnxietyDrivenToad. Leyline of the Void gives us yet another way to deal with graveyard decks, which Kaya can also help with. If you're truly open to smartphones of all stripes, we think you'll get … It’s almost always a 2-1 in some regard. That’s the big turn theee play you want to be making but without fetches it’s not easy, Sylvan Caryatid - (G) (SF) (txt)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. Decklists Standings Decklists [decklist] Title: Dazai (5-0) Subtitle: Pioneer Preliminary #12061213 on 01/04/2020 Format: Pioneer Preliminary 2 Castle Ardenvale 2 Castle Vantress 3 Field of Ruin 4 Glacial Fortress 4 Hallowed Fountain 6 Island 4 Plains 3 … The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Most of our non-creature spells come in the form of hyper-efficient disruption. Most of our non-creature spells come in the form of hyper-efficient disruption. Ecken1: 10/24/2019 Pioneer: Eldritch Horses and Rhinos: FluffyWolf: 10/24/2019 Doran's Dawn Brigade: Gramps Tewks: 10/23/2019 Pioneer Abzan Company: kooba3: 10/22/2019 Karador Budget -30.2 Given the limited selection available in the format, we have 4. I’m completely fine playing Tracker on 3, for them to waste their turn 3/4 getting rid of it before it generates card advantage. Also, it seems most people here are against flayer since wild slash is so ubiquitous, but I've had great success with the card this far. Budget Abzan Midrange (BAM) (60€) by Mizzle04. Tournaments Only Pl Deck The splash is for 4x Rhino, 2x Charm, and 2 Obzedat. My buddy and I have been brewing up some G/b/x decks with a solid base B/g and splashing a third color. Neither is fleecemane lion. By Shuhei Nakamura. You need, and want acceleration. Parker Ackerman December 31, 2019 0 Comments. of decks with him at this point, and he ends up being so much fun every time. Fleecemane lion at the least doesn’t die to Wild Slash. Rhino beast some walkers and then Tireless tracker is basically a four drop. Modern Abzan Midrange. This deck gets to use a ton of efficient spells, play some of the best beaters in Magic, and does so ahead of the curve thanks to its mana dorks. Abzan Midrange in Pioneer. Another way to draw out Aavcyn’s rage, if you’re, desperate, is just to point a removal spell at one of your creatures (or use Vraska’s +1). Show decks from … they're cool and powerful cards, but they demand so much from your mana. Siege Rhino (and by extension Abzan) is a ton of fun, and every time I get to play it I can’t help but wonder why I didn’t get back to using it sooner. Sideboard help appreciated. PNR 3 / 3 . In a deck like Abzan it really helps you bide time until your 3 and 4 drops can start taking over. I'm using Intruder Alarm with Voice but that may not be optimal for a very deck. All in all, the card is ridiculously good for its cost. So last week, when it occurred to me that I still hadn’t looked at a Pioneer list running Siege Rhino, I corrected that immediately. Maybe there is an abzan counters deck here with winding constrictor and hardened scales. Getting haste to slam a teferi can make all the difference and it has most of the same modes. Obzedat is here because he dodges removal, buffers life totals, and can get in for big damage occasionally. Rhino because... Rhino. Also, very little card draw? Check back soon! Voice of resurgence is a great 2 mana card that generates value also I think the amount of 4 drops seems to be a little high. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, six free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community. PNR 1 / 0 . If you’re looking for a good old fashioned midrange deck to play around with, this just might be the deck for you. For one mana it allows us to easily assess exactly what our opponent is playing, and take the best card from them while crafting how we should move forward. It'll let t3 Rhino's happen quite a bit more consistently and eases your mana more. It plays nicely with Tireless Tracker mana and if your running two mana removal your opponent will have a hard time guessing if your going to Fog and then swing back with a Rhino or just kill their creature. I tested Caryatid and found the ramp was fairly negligible, especially when my 3 drops are so powerful. Great two drop for the format, and for white as a third color. A complete list of the top Pioneer tier 1 decks updated to November 2020. It also has answers to main difficulties on the sideboard. There are currently no featured deals. Although I never played him during his time in Standard, I’ve brewed a lot of decks with him at this point, and he ends up being so much fun every time. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. For lands, we’re going all-in on color fixing since it can be hard to work in utility lands in a three-color deck. Elspeth is a hell of a card in a lot of matchups. MDN 1 / 0 . Abzan Charm is a premier removal spell, imo, that is versatile in midrange matchups, but also helps the control matchup by drawing us more resources. I play more cards that generate card advantage than don’t.... How have questing beast and vraska performed for you? I've been playing Commander for about two years and decided to … I know pioneer isn’t modern but your midrange deck is supposed to be very efficient and grindy and I can see very little card draw here leading to hands with three four drops getting the first one answered cleanly and losing. Popular Standard Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results. Liliana, the Last Hope: With an efficient casting cost of just 3, Liliana, the Last Hope is arguably one of the best Planeswalkers in the Pioneer format.A +1 that removes small creatures or shrinks larger creatures to allow better attacks or blocks and a -2 that can return fallen creatures to our hand to be reused givens Liliana the sort of utility that is so often desired in midrange strategies. Abzan Midrange - Pioneer by Kameronmcl. You have Denon, Cambridge Audio, Pioneer, Marantz, NAD, Rega, Audiolab, Parasound, Peachtree, Onkyo, PS Audio, and many more. Although I never played him during his time in Standard, I’ve brewed a lot of decks with him at this point, and he ends up being so much fun every time. ... Bossing the Budget (RDW Dech Tech & Tournament Report) by Liam Casserly. It’s a 3 drop. 14 26-May -2020 $269 $89 Singularity: 52%. Pioneer Abzan Midrange: rlueth97: 10/29/2019 [Budget] Abzinga! How do I get started with Magic Online? Posted in Daily Deck on February 6, 2015 . Finally, Abzan Charm gives us the pick of removal, card draw, and +1/+1 counters, allowing us to have or find whatever we need for a given situation. It also is a decent late game draw with adapt. Abzan Midrange pile I was looking to get some opinions on So Pioneer is pretty much my first 60 card constructed format. I've been considering slotting either in as a singleton in my final slot but have been pretty happy with tasigur or kalitas there. In the sideboard, we have Duress to help against less creature-focused decks, Fatal Push for low-to-the-ground creature decks, and Despark to take care of just about any high-cost permanent our opponent might have. I play 8 four drops..... 4 Rhino, 2 Beast, 2 Vraska. Standard BO1 Traditional Standard Historic BO1 Traditional Historic Pioneer Modern Legacy Vintage Brawl Commander Limited MTGA Events Pauper Other. The Pioneer Format of Magic: the Gathering. Collected Humans by RamenNoodles. Jegantha, the Wellspring. I run a Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord and along with the LtLH there's a decent recursion package there that is easily fueled by Flayer and Collective Brutality. It's obviously even more bananas with Walkers like Houtli or Xenagos but I think any deck with Voice of Resurgence should at least consider Intruder Alarm. If you’re looking for a good old fashioned midrange deck to play around with, this just might be the deck for you.
2020 budget abzan midrange pioneer