Follow this topic. Conclusion. Strategic Thinking is a more comprehensive planning model that covers innovation, strategic planning and operational planning. STRATEGIC Surprisingly, here there is ready agreement. It also encompasses both traditional and logical ways of thinking and typically involves analyzing data and defining a goal. Strategic thinking informs strategic planning/management. What is Strategic Thinking Strategic thinking is defined as a mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving success in a game or other endeavor. During an organization’s annual strategic planning process, leaders often compile, analyze, and synthesize external and internal data and ideas to develop its strategic intent and build a strategic narrative. Strategic Thinking and Strategic Planning: Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle By identifying basic trends and uncertainties, a manager can construct a series of scenarios that will help to compensate for View Graetz_Strategic thinking versus strategic planning.pdf from FINANCE E-2000 at Harvard University. Recommended Articles. Clarity Strategic Planning Isn’t Planning For Contingencies. Introduction. Strategic Thinking Exercise—Creating the “Picture” In a small group of 3-4, select one person to be the “Client” One person is the Facilitator One person is the Client’s Recorder The Facilitator guides the Client through the questions in the strategic thinking model. The first and foremost thing is the desire to do better, to make your tomorrow better than yesterday. For over 20 years, Harvard ManageMentor® has set the standard for on-demand leadership development. Strategic thinking informs strategic planning/management. Strategic thinking represents the vision of the analysis, the direction that the business should pursue. The Takeaway: Use Strategic Thinking when planning and making decisions about things that potentially have long lasting and significant consequences. Strategic planning and strategic management are both important for the organization as they help in formulating the goals to be achieved and help in a more concentrated approach towards the fulfillment of that goal. Always use Critical Thinking … Strategic thinking is an essential skill to both short and long-term planning. In his book Fifteen Things Common to Great Achievers, author Israelmore Ayivor shared, “A dream is the frame or portrait or a construction or focus of one’s vision by means of perception, based on what he or she knows and settles within via strategic thinking.” Strategic thinking involves making a series of decisions about what actions the company intends to take to become more successful. It is typically conducted every 3-5 years to help groups grow and continually evolve to address changing needs. To be able to do, one must have a sound knowledge of the baseline and foresight to imagine the future state. prerequisite strategic thinking. But again there are different nu-ances. - Strategic thinking is a valuable skill for everyone in an organization, but it becomes increasingly essential, as you ascend the ladder. A methodology to enable exploratory thinking in strategic planning Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 105, 2016, pp. Operational Thinking (Strategic Planning) DESIGN FIRM LEADERSHIP SERIES by Philip A. LaRiviere PACES, LLC I was recently asked to develop a program on Strategic Thinking for presentation to a large group of senior global marketing professionals operating in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. In working with our clients, we find that most have a relatively strong understanding and appreciation for the value of strategic planning/management. While planning is an embedded function of overall de-making in the organization, cision strategic thinking requires greater synthesis of creative and innovative plays when forming a vision that is different than the … 2 3. page 1. Strategic Planning •From thinking to planning •From planning to action . There are substantive differences between strategic planning conducted by private business and planning conducted by courts. for strategic thinking, but it is separate from settling on the strategy that will re-alize them. The goal of strategic thinking is much the same goal of organizational leadership. On the contrary, strategic management is an action-oriented activity. Strategic Thinking Driving Force. This has been a guide that strategic planning vs strategic management is a retrospective planning process. Strategic planning activity uses management by plans, whereas strategic management process uses management by results. To think strategically means to see and understand the bigger picture of what the organization is, where it needs to go, and how it will get there. Strategic and tactical thinking should go hand-in-hand. Having one without the other can be a recipe for disaster. Strategic thinking is the ability to think on a temporal plane; whereas system thinking is the ability to perceive things from different dimensions. Let’s tackle “strategic” first. It … 5 7. 10 12. Strategic planning/management gives voice, action and structure to strategic thinking. Following Related Topics: ... renowned management experts Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad introduce their approach to strategic planning … Strategic Thinking. In working with our clients, we find that most have a relatively strong understanding and appreciation for the value of strategic planning/management. efore coming to grips with the term “strategic planning,” it is best to examine each of those terms separately. In other words, about where you would like to be as an organization and how you get there, Dissecting strategic thinking versus strategic planning: Dynamic rather than static; Flexible rather than rigid In fact, you likely won't be promoted, and can't succeed as a leader without it. It should be based on Systems Th inking— “the natural way the world works.” Th is is the foundation of the Haines Centre’s ABC Simplicity and Universal Strategic planning is a process (see above, RE: report that sits on a shelf), while strategic thinking is about vision, intuition, and creativity. 192-202 Download PDF View details Strategic Thinking vs. While it is great to be able to create goals and objectives to take the business to the next level, there also needs to be a plan in place to get there. From Strategic Planning to Strategic Thinking: by James L. Morrison [Note: This is a re-formatted manuscript that was originally published in On the Horizon, 1994, 2(3), 3-4.It is posted here with permission from Jossey Bass Publishers.]. Strategic Thinking And Innovation The Defining Aspect Of Competition. In many respects, it is even more important than strategic planning. Usually, this is undertaken by management. Strategy Vs. Strategic Planning ... #2 STRATEGIC THINKING Strategic Th inking is the framework for beginning Strategic Planning. In the view of F. Graetz, strategic thinking and planning are “distinct, but interrelated and complementary thought processes” that must sustain and support one another for effective strategic management. of strategic planning. Strategic planning is an application of strategic thinking that involves teams, organizations or communities. The profession needs to create a strategic planning model aimed specifically for courts, relying less on conventional strategic planning literature. Strategic Thinking vs. Strategic Planning? Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking Among the many tools a manager can use for strategic planning, scenario planning stands out for its ability to capture a whole range of possibilities in rich detail. In explaining the difference between strategic planning and strategic thinking, Mintzberg argues that strategic planning is the systematic programming of pre-identified strategies from which an action plan is developed. Strategic thinking versus strategic planning: Towards understanding the Strategic thinking is different from strategic planning. As a cognitive activity, it produces thought. Strategic thinking. Strategic Planning Versus Strategic Thinking Strategic planning is about a linear process and set of steps where there is a defined start and end and multiple short term goals. Strategic thinking is the synthesis of the analysis done during the strategic planning process. What is Strategic Thinking in Business? Demonstrating strategic thinking, on the other hand, requires that you are simultaneously a marketer, a salesperson, and a change agent. A company often goes through a strategic planning process once a year, creating a document that is, in essence, a guidebook for the … 19 21 This is one of the reasons that traditional strategic planning has been panned by practitioners and academics (Professor Henry Mintzberg, The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning) alike, who argue that strategic planning only serves to take the established and make it marginally better. A court’s bench, While strategic planning is upward focused, looking at ensuring how tactics link up to corporate goals and strategies, strategic thinking is downward focused, looking to ensure that meaning and purpose are diffused throughout the Introduction Strategy has never been more challenging, or more important, than in today’s environment of global competition, in which, corporate strategies must transcend the borders of nations and markets. Defining Strategic Planning and Thinking in both formal and informal ways; Gaining insights into why Strategic Planning and Thinking are important according to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ® Guide) Understanding the six steps of the Strategic Thinking process; Learning a nine-step process for Strategic Planning The strategic planning is an analytical activity because it is related to the thinking. Strategic planning/management gives voice, action and structure to strategic thinking. Strategic Thinking. Strategic planning involves the identification of actions to be taken. This document will guide the company into the future for a defined period of time. Strategic thinking vs. strategic planning.
2020 strategic thinking vs strategic planning pdf