Reproduction of the Flycatcher. The Gray Flycatcher builds a bulky, less tidy nest (Harrison 1979). So it’s really only in early migration that we see any come through with the first batch of Hammond’s Flycatchers. – Populations: Dusky flycatchers nest in a variety of mostly deciduous habitats, … Nesting: The Dusky Flycatcher’s cup nest is typically attached by its sides to vertical twigs, either upright or hanging. For more information, visit Knowledge of the species’ nesting in San Diego Dusky Flycatcher at QE Park. The cup like nest is made of grass and lined with feathers and hair and placed in a small crotch of a low bush or tree. Alan Ramsey shares this video of a nesting Dusky Flycatcher from August 2, 2010. The nest itself is a mass of grasses, sticks, bark strips, roots, weeds, and leaves, lined with plant down, feathers, or other softer material. Dusky Flycatcher. The nest itself is a small cup built primarily of grasses, with a lining of finer grasses, down, animal hair, and/or moss. Language Common name; Dutch: Struikfeetiran: English, United States: Dusky Flycatcher: French: Moucherolle sombre: French, French Guiana: Moucherolle sombre: German Different species utilize different nesting strategies. Our knowledge of the breeding biology of this inhabitant of dense foliage is sketchy at best (Tweit and Tweit 2002). The upper breast has a pale olive wash. Average egg length and width for the Dusky Flycatcher is 17.8 × 13.4 mm (Sedgwick 1993): Budgerigar: 18 × 14.8 mm; and Diamond Dove: 19.8 × 15 mm (Schönwetter 1967). Certain species don’t “build” nests at all, but line the insides of tree hollows. We stored the eggs in a refrigerator prior to placement in flycatcher nests. Dusky Flycatcher’s breeding range; the small population discovered by Erickson and Wurster (1998) in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir is the only one known farther south. Eggs of both species are the same color (white) and similar in size to Dusky Flycatcher eggs. Weak fluttering flight with shallow wing beats. Dusky Flycatchers actually come through Vancouver every year. STATUS. The Dusky Flycatcher nests in open woodlands on mountainsides. Nesting: June and July. The nest of a Dusky Flycatcher is built in the fork of a small tree or in a shrub, sometimes within 2 or 3 feet of the ground, but most typically from 5 to 15 feet up. The female usually lays 3-4 dull white, rarely spotted eggs, generally indistinguishable from eggs of Gray Flycatcher. Eye has faint eye-ring. The legs and feet are black. The number of eggs, and incubation period vary. Nesting: The nest of a Dusky-capped Flycatcher is built in a cavity of a tree, either an old woodpecker hole or a natural cavity. The Dusky usually nests in the lower ranges of the forest, preferring chaparral; the Hammond's chooses higher levels of tall fir trees. But we’re technically outside their range, which extends all the way along western North America, except for the coast. Audubon; April 19, 2015 – Status: Fairly common summer resident in deciduous woodlands, including aspen groves, from the foothills to around 11,000 feet. It feeds exclusively on insects, most of which are snatched out of the air or from nearby vegetation. Bill is black except for orange base of lower mandible. Dusky-capped Flycatcher is a very rare breeder in Texas. The female incubates the eggs for 12-15 days; the male sometimes feeds her on the nest. When the flycatchers returned to the newly forested northern half of the continent, each had developed differing habitat needs, allowing them to coexist without competing for nesting sites and food. The four-digit banding code is … Some nest in trees and shrubs, others along cliff edges. Dusky Flycatcher: Small flycatcher with olive-gray upperparts and white or yellow tinged underparts. Few nests have been found and fewer well described. The young birds leave the nest at about 18 days after hatching.
2020 dusky flycatcher nest